Tier Pricing

Introducing Tier Pricing

What is Tier Pricing?

It is a system that allows for several different price points (tiers) for each session. The idea behind a tiered system is knowing that different families in our camp community have different financial means, and to allow families to pay what they are able.  Many summer camps have been moving to this model for some time, and have gotten positive feedback from their communities. Our new software allows us to make that change as well. 

The tiers for this Summer’s weeklong sessions are:

· Tier 1: $265  This is a subsidized rate, thanks to the generous contributions of the partner churches, organizations and individual donors who believe in the ministry that happens at Camp Rudolph. 

· Tier 2: $295 This is a partially subsidized rate for those who can pay a little more than the Tier 1 rate.

· Tier 3: $325  This rate more closely reflects the true cost of the Camp Rudolph experience.

*First Chance and Wilderness Experience pricing is $165/$185/$205

Why Tier Pricing?

Camp Rudolph leadership understands that families have different abilities to pay for a Christian camping experience, and that you know your family’s financial situation better than we do.  This pricing allows you to choose the rate that best fits your financial situation.  The tier you choose remains confidential and in no way influences the experience your camper receives.  Your camper receives the same quality camp experience no matter which rate you choose.

What happens when you pay the Tier 2 or Tier 3 rate?  

You enable us to direct the contributions from our generous donors to support other areas of need in the camping ministry, including program, staffing and facility upgrades.

How does it work?

When you register for camp this year, you will be given the option to select a price tier when you choose the session your camper will attend. Simply select the option that best matches your financial means. 

What Tier Pricing Is not.

Tier pricing does not replace access to camper scholarships.  Scholarships are still available this year. We recognize with current economic struggles due to the pandemic that the tier 1 rate may still be too much for some families. We are ready to help these campers attend camp, no matter what, just as we have in the past. For more information on these scholarships, visit this page. 

If you have any further questions on this new pricing system, feel free to contact us through Facebook, email, telephone.  We can’t wait to see you at Camp Rudolph!

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